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CSA Graduate Center

CSA Graduate Chapter is a non-political, non-religious and non-profit student organization that focuses on promoting student interest in the environment and natural resources using remote sensing. Also, the CSA believes that an association is needed to advise and support new students that enter into the CREST program. This is very important because CREST has many international students as well as first generation college students, and peer support through a student association like the CSA can aid in the transition to life in New York and at City College. The CSA volunteers its time and efforts at science outreach events for K-12 students around New York. Moreover, the CSA will serve as a bridge between students to facilitate an environment of networking and collaboration and provide an avenue for the exchange of information and ideas between students and professional members through various events including an informal seminar series where students share their research with each other. The overarching goal of the CSA is to help create leaders and technical experts in science and engineering for the future.




Morann Dagan    Andrea Gomez    Ali Hamidi    Kat Jensen

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