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Orthodox Christian Fellowship

As the eloquent aroma of antiquity gets disrupted by the poisonous pollutants of the modernity, a true appreciation of the ancient times ought to be resurrected. Here, in the Orthodox Club Fellowship, a sense of antiquity is resurrected from times that were demolished by titanic wheel of time. Indeed, an opportunity to learn about how the Orthodox Christians preserved their faith against the horrific events of history is offered. Although the young women (modernity) has distorted the beauty and sagaciousness of the old one (antiquity), her attractive beauty is exposed in a comparison between the golden standards of Jesus of Nazareth (the incarnate God) and the torturous accusations of the scientific standards. Ultimately, in our fellowship, you are welcome to join, regardless of what your beliefs are. Join us for a very exciting discussions, activities and events!




Samuel Haleem    Bishoy Waheb       Bishoy Botros    Mark Reyad


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